This is NOT your Mom’s Banana Split Cake. If you Google this recipe every single one (besides mine) will have pineapple in it. What’s up with that? Since when do YOU put pineapples on your ice cream sundae? Gross. Let’s get real. This cake was born from my hungry imagination one day while I was […]
Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Garlic, Shrimp and Mushrooms
Din Din, Get In My Belly!, Quest for Skinny
Now that the weather is starting to cool down it’s time for me to start stuffing my face with winter squash. I used to hate squash. I mean, really, what an awful name for a delicious vegetable. Squash. Yuck. Luckily, I learned that despite the awful name, it’s actually totally yummy. This was my first […]
Healthy, Easy, Yum: What more could you want?
Get In My Belly!, It’s ALWAYS Happy Hour!, Quest for Skinny
Since I know all of you AMAZING readers immediately went from reading my Tapenade-Stuffed Salmon recipe, straight to your kitchen and tested it out for yourselves, you (like me) probably have tons of leftover, delicious tapenade and were just itching to use the remainder of the delicious, savory concoction… right? Well, maybe that’s wishful thinking. […]
Everything delicious… ever… in a cookie.
Get In My Belly!, I am THE Cookie Monster
Let’s not get too wrapped up in this whole “health” kick that I’ve been on lately. I do plan on remaining true to my roots, which is obviously everything full of fat, sugar, and calories. Because anything that is the sworn enemy of my bathroom scale must be absolutely delicious, right? I made these cookies […]
Grandma’s Spinach Lasagna
Din Din, Get In My Belly!
This past weekend I joined 20,000 other wack jobs in a completely outrageous event- a half marathon. Now, you might ask, “Elise, what on earth would possess you to run 13.1 miles?” Well, I might say answer that it’s great exercise, or that the free swag at the expo makes it worthwhile; I might say […]
Salmon Stuffed with Yum ;)
Din Din, Get In My Belly!
The quest for skinny continues… and I must tell you that one of the ways that I stay away from the sweet stuff which contradicts the morals of the “quest,” is to purge myself on salty. Swapping out one bad thing for another is totally ok, right? Well, while probably pretty loaded with sodium, this […]
My Quest for Skinny…
Get In My Belly!, Morning Munchies, Quest for Skinny
So after taking a look at what I’ve posted on this blog thus far, it occurred to me, that if you didn’t actually know me, you might assume I am a giant 6 ton gorilla. In fact, I do TRY and eat relatively healthy most of the time. “Try” being the key word there. I’d […]
As if cookies and brownies on their own weren’t enough…
Get In My Belly!, I am THE Cookie Monster
Do you ever step on your bathroom scale, see the number that comes up, and then flip the scale off? I don’t mean turn the power off of the scale… I mean actually give it the middle finger? I do. These are definitely the culprit of one such incidence. As if brownies or cookies alone […]
Basic Brownies From Scratch
Brownies & Bars, Get In My Belly!
Let’s get one thing straight- I am soooo not above store bought cake, muffin or brownie mixes from a box. I mean, Pillsbury has clearly done something right, as there is just no messing with the culinary genius of Funfetti… That being said, sometimes, “from scratch,” is a nice option. For example, when I need […]
Coconut Lime Cupcakes with Blueberry Cream Cheese Frosting
Get In My Belly!, You’d look beautiful on my cupcake tier…
Blueberries are full of antioxidants, high in vitamin C and fiber, and contain virtually no fat! Sooo, if I puree them, add cream cheese and a mountain of powdered sugar and then pipe my concoction onto sugary and delicious cupcakes, do you think they still constitute as a health food? Hmmmm, maybe not, but maybe […]